October 28, 2012

Author: Googma Sansar

Dear Friends, The only best way to boost up to your Google

PageRank is to get Backlink from a site that already has PageRank. It means that getting lots to link from PageRank 0 sites will not support to increase your website PageRank. But if you get a single link from PageRank 7, It can instantly boost up your website PageRank 6. If the site is trusted by Google, then your website will get tons of traffic. Getting high quality PageRank for your site should be part of your long-term SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy. However the tough part of link building is finding quality free link . Therefore today I’m going to share about best way to get free backlink to your site. Here is have listed with top 10 link building ideas that I would like to highly recommended you to use when start to link building. Learn step by step:

You can also see : SEO Strategy to your site

 1. Directories Submission: 

The first best way is getting listed in directories is good for a lot of backlinks. I have been posting here high quality free human reviewed PageRank 6 + directories. The good things about these directories is that, If you get you site listed you will get high traffic to your website. The sad thing is that the review process to your site often take 3 months to 6 months. Let’s see the following list and start to join now.

S.N. List of Directory PR S.N. List of Directory PR
1  Yahoo !  8 11  DirectoryFox 6
2  DMOZ 8 12  Sacentral 6
3  STPT 8 13  Worldhot 6
4  Open-Site 7 14  Elib 6
5  Femina 7 15  Ezilon 6
6  Portal   7 16  Christiansunite 6
7  Bloggernity 6 17  aardvark 6
8  Podcastzoom 6 18  nzs 6
9  Bloguniverse 6 19  Info-listings 6
10  GoGreeece 6 20  FindigBlog 6

There is no doubt that, there many are high PageRank directories although I leave the search for them to you. You can search on Google to find some, But the lists that come on first page results shows the old high PageRank directories. Therefore in my opinion these 20 high PageRank directories that I have presented here a worth to submit to them. It’s your time to find out the quality of directories and submit yourURL. Do not hurry to get list, it will take few months but after listing your website, you will get lots of traffics as well as backlink to your site.  see the List of Directory and Free Submit url

 2. Article Submission:

 The second idea to get backlink in your site is article submission. It is a little bit hard job compare with directory submission but it is the best idea to get high traffic and high quality backlink to your site. Write good quality articles and post them to the best free article directories. You have to put your keywords , that you compete for in the anchor text which is very important for high results in the search engines. I have listed some articles submission directories below.

S.N. Article Submission sites PR
1 EzineArticles 6
2 ArticleClick 6
3 1888 Articles 5
4 ArticlesBase 4
5 TalkInMince 4
6 Article-Hut 4
7 ArticleUniversity 4
8 ArticleFeeder 4
9 ThePhantomWriters 4
10 DirectoryFox Article  4

I have only listed 10 sites but if your article get listed in all of them then you can expect more than 1500 visitors come to you site from the link in the articles.

3. Exchange Link with other webmasters:

 This may be the good idea to get more and high quality backlinks. Write a personal mail to the other webmaster and tell them why you want to exchange links with them, introduce your site to them and tell more about your site. You have to try to exchange links only high quality PageRank sites. If it is possible to set good partners to exchange links, the best way is contacting them in personally and request them for link exchanges. You can also use some automated link exchange sites. I have listed some automated link exchange sites below.

S.N. Name site PR
1 Build Reciprocal 6
2 LinkDiary 5
3 TelaDinks 5
4 LinkExchange 5
5 BeLinked 5
6 LinkWizard 4

After using these automated back links site, you will also boost your backlinks and get many relevant links to your site. You may get much more automated link exchange sites but to be honest this one will do a perfect job. Before exchanging link you should have to examine the quality of PageRank of sites and only high quality PageRank sites should be select.

 4. Press Release Submission: 

This idea may be completely new for you but it is something like writing articles and post them almost everywhere. In fact using this trick you have to press release about your website or blog or page from your site. Then you have to submit them .  I have listed some high quality PageRank press release distribution sites below and you have to follow them.

S.N. Press Release sites PR
1 24-7PressRelease 6
2 Pr.com/Press-Releases 6
3 Free-Press-Release-Center 6
4 ClickPress.com 6
5 Press Box 6
6 PrLeap.com 6
7 1888 Press Release 5
8 EcommWire 5
9 Przoom 5
10 News Wire Today 5
11 Free-Press-Release 5
12 Press Release Network 5
13 PrFree 5

 I have listed only 10 press release distribution sites but these sites will help you to get lots of traffic to your site. If you submit press release regularly to them and after listing your website or press release, you will get at least 200 to 300 unique visitors daily in your website. Therefore it is the another good way to get unique visitors in your site. Because unique visitors also help to increase PageRank. 

5. Social Networking sites:

 In these days social networking sites are becoming more popular and playing crucial role to get lots of traffics . social networking sites are useful to get high quality backlinks and lots of traffic to your site. I have listed most popular social site, you have to follow them.

Google Plus 
Live Journal
Friend Finder

 There are hundreds of social networking sites but I have listed only high quality Google PageRank sites. They are PageRank 7+ sites and perfect for getting tons of quality backlinks to your site. Social Media Can Boost Your PageRank

 6. Getting link from .org, .gov and .edu sites: 

 The another way to get high quality backlink to your site is getting backlink form education, government and organization sites. These sites are consider much more valued site and links coming from these sites are valuable compare with other general sites or blogs. I have listed some .edu, .gov and .org sites below and follow the process. In above listed .gov, .org and .edu sites, you will allow to posting comment and do not require to be log in.  I hope you will do perfect. You can checkout with it for all kinds of domains. You can make blog comment and put you web link in them. It will get to genuine backlink from commenting others sites. You must confirm that your comment is genuine not spam. Before posting comment in any sites, you have to read whole topics and then comment. Do not comment negative way. After comment it may be in a week you will see in Google index. So it can be easy way for you to get genuine backlink from others sites.

 7. Social Bookmarking site submission:

  This is the fast growing technique to get high quality backlink to your site. In these days people like to share their interests and favorite things in social bookmarking sites. Posting your article in such sites will help to get web traffic and high quality back link to your site. Although it is not easy task but if you once done these task you will get two benefits from them. First is high traffic and second thing is good quality backlink to your site. To get more traffic and high quality backlink to your site, You should have to write high quality and much more interesting contents or articles to get your article on first page of these social bookmarking sites. Therefore I have listed some high Google PageRank social bookmarking sites below. These sites are really effective and much more helpful to get high quality backlink to your site. Please follow them. 

S.N. Bookmarking Sites S.N. Bookmarking Sites
1 Net Scape 13 Blogmarks
2 Digg 14 Gnolia
3 Delicious 15 Simpy
4 Furl 16 Shoutwire
5 Technorati 17 SpUrl
6 MyWeb2.Search.Yahoo 18 Blue Dot
7 Reddit 19 Blinkbits
8 Fark 20 Blinklist
9 43Things 21 Netvouz
10 Mister-Wong 22 Trail Fire
11 Delirio 23 Back Flip
12 Newsvine

8. Forum post:

  This is the really good idea to get connect and interact in different topics with different people under one forum. Search forum sites that a are in your niche and sign up account with them and in user page include your website homepage. You will get backlink from this process. You have to repeat this process many times and you will get one way backlink from these forum sites. You can combine this form posts and this way you will get signature shown much more times. There thousands of forums but I have listed some some popular forums. Join today and promote your site and get free high quality backlink to your site. 

 9. Be a good commentator:

It is the good idea and easy way to get genuine backlink to your site. This ideas is similar to forum post. There are many NoFollow website and blogs but search DoFollow blogs with top comment or recent comment and leave your good comment. You should have to put your website homepage link on comment box, which help to get backlink from those sites. Become a good and top commentator is really useful to get genuine backlink to your site. I have done many experiment and got good results from comment. I have listed some DoFollow blogs below and go and comment on them one by one.You can also see   440 High PR DoFollow Blog

 10. Get a link on a main page of PageRank 9 sites:

Perhaps you do not know but I’m going to explore it. You spare your time to search sites that have PageRank 9 and go in a donation section in their main page. There are may be 15-20 sites with PageRank 9 and in such donation section they post 20-30 donation. Do a donation for at least 1$ and you will see your site listed there. This is the cheapest way to get backlink from high quality PageRank sites. There is another way to bet back link is reciprocal backlink from high quality PageRank sites. Search Google and get reciprocal backlink from high quality PageRank sites. Finally follow all the above guideline and get free high quality backlink to your site and boost up your traffic. Best of luck


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