Executive Summary: An opportunity for the World
Climate is a critical factor in the
lives and livelihoods of all people and in development as a whole. This report
proposes how a global system for the provision of climate services1 can be set
up over the next few years that will save lives and protect the jobs and homes
of vulnerable people.
On the basis of its work and wide
consultations, the High-Level Taskforce believes that the widespread, global
use of improved climate services, provided through the Global Framework for Climate
Services will provide substantial social and economic benefits. The Framework
presents an important, cost effective opportunity to improve wellbeing in all
countries through contributions to development, disaster risk reduction and
climate change adaptation. A global mobilization of effort and an unprecedented
collaboration among institutions across political, functional, and disciplinary
boundaries is required and the Taskforce believes that the Global Framework for
Climate Services can foster and guide this effort.
While all countries stand to gain
from participation in the Framework, the Taskforce believes that it should give
priority to climate vulnerable developing countries, particularly African
countries, least developed countries, land-locked developing countries and Small
Island developing states, where climate services are also often weakest.
Findings of the High Level Taskforce
The Taskforce worked in
consultation with all relevant actors to assess the current state of global climate
service provision and identify opportunities for improvement, finding that:
• In countries that have effective
climate services they greatly contribute to reduced risks and maximized
opportunities associated with climate. However, there is a significant gap
between the supply of climate services and the needs of users. Present
capabilities to provide climate services do not exploit all that we know about
climate, fall far short of meeting present and future needs, and are not
delivering their full and potential benefits. This is particularly the case in
developing and least developed countries, which are also the most vulnerable to
the impacts of climate variability and change;
• To be useful climate information
must be tailored to meet the needs of users. Existing climate services are not
well focused on user needs and the level of interaction between providers and users
of climate services is inadequate. Users need access to expert advice and
support to help them select and properly apply climate information. Climate
services often do not reach “the last mile”, to the people who need them most,
particularly at the community level in developing and least developed
• To support climate services, high
quality observations are required across the entire climate system and of
relevant socioeconomic variables. While existing capabilities for climate observation
provide a reasonable basis for strengthening climate services, commitment to sustaining
high quality observations is inadequate and enhancements to existing networks
are required, particularly in developing countries. Further effort is also
needed by governments and others to overcome the currently significant
restrictions concerning sharing of, and access to climate and other relevant
• Effective climate services will
depend on maximizing the potential of existing knowledge, new research
developments and strong support from and strengthened collaboration between all
relevant research communities. Understanding of the climate system is advancing
quickly, but is not being effectively translated into services that can inform
decision making. In particular, further effort is required to improve our
ability to predict climate and help users incorporate its inherent uncertainty
into their decision-making;
• Efforts to provide effective
climate services globally will only be successful if capacity is systematically
built to enable all countries to manage climate risk effectively. Current
capacity building activities to support climate services need to be scaled up
and better coordinated. A comprehensive capacity building initiative is needed
to strengthen existing capabilities in the areas of governance, management,
human resources development, leadership, partnership creation, science
communication, service delivery and resource mobilization.
Components of the Global Framework for Climate Services
The Taskforce broadly endorses the
structure of the Framework, as proposed by the World Climate Conference-3, but
with the addition of a capacity building component.
The proposed components of the
Framework are as follows:
1. The User Interface Platform will
provide a means for users, user representatives, climate researchers and
climate service providers to interact, thereby maximizing the usefulness of climate
services and helping develop new and improved applications of climate
2. The Climate Services Information
System is the system needed to protect and distribute climate data and
information according to the needs of users and according to the procedures
agreed by governments and other data providers.
3. The Observations and Monitoring
component will ensure that the climate observations necessary to meet the needs
of climate services are generated.
4. The Research, Modeling and
Prediction component will assess and promote the needs of climate services
within research agendas.
5. The Capacity Building component
will support systematic development of the necessary institutions,
infrastructure and human resources to provide effective climate services.
Many of the foundational capabilities
and infrastructure that make up these components already exist or are being
established, but they require coordination and strengthened focus on user
needs. The role of the Framework should therefore be to facilitate and
strengthen, not to duplicate.
Roles and responsibilities at global, regional and national
The Taskforce believes that
providing operational climate services should be the focus of the Framework. It
should operate at global, regional and national levels, in support of and in
collaboration with global, regional and national stakeholders and efforts.
• At the global level, it will
focus on producing global climate prediction products, coordinating and
supporting data exchange, major capacity building initiatives, and establishing
and maintaining standards and protocols;
• At the regional level, it will
support multilateral efforts to address regional needs, for example through
regional policy development, knowledge and data exchange, infrastructure development,
research, training and the provision of services regionally to meet agreed
regional requirements;
• At the national level, it will
focus on ensuring access to data and knowledge products, tailoring information
to user requirements, ensuring effective routine use of information in planning
and management along with developing sustainable capacities in these respects.
• Depending on their needs and
capacities, users may obtain information from a range of available global,
regional and national sources.
Overall implementation objectives of the Framework
The Task force proposes that the
five near-term implementation objectives for the Framework be as follows:
• Establishing mechanisms to
strengthen the global cooperative system for collecting, processing and
exchanging observations and for using climate-related information;
• Designing and implementing a set
of projects that target the needs of developing countries, particularly those
currently least able to provide climate services;
• Developing strategies for external
communications, resource mobilization and capacity building programmes;
• Establishing internal working
methods, particularly for communications and for debating and deciding on
implementation priorities, including for the observations, information systems,
research and capacity building components;
• Setting targets and establishing
procedures for monitoring and evaluating the performance of the Framework.
Resourcing the implementation of the Framework
The Taskforce unanimously
recommends (Recommendation 1) that the international community makes the
commitment to invest on the order of US$ 75 million per year to put in place
and sustain the Framework. This investment will build upon existing investments
by governments in climate observation systems, research, and information
management systems to return to the community benefits across all societal
sectors but most importantly, and most immediately, in disaster risk reduction,
improved water management, more productive and sustainable agriculture and
better health outcomes in the most vulnerable communities in the developing
Principles to be adopted in implementing the Framework
To ensure that the Global Framework
for Climate Services provides the greatest benefit to those who are most in
need of climate services, the Taskforce recommends (Recommendation 2) that the
following eight principles are adhered to in its implementation:
Principle 1: All countries will benefit, but priority shall go to
building the capacity of climate-vulnerable developing countries
Principle 2: The primary goal of the Framework will be to ensure
greater availability of, access to, and use of climate services for all
Principle 3: Framework activities will address three geographic
domains; global, regional and national
Principle 4: Operational climate services will be the core element
of the Framework
Principle 5: Climate information is primarily an international
public good provided by governments, which will have a central role in its
management through the Framework
Principle 6: The Framework will promote the free and open exchange
of climate-relevant observational data while respecting national and
international data policies
Principle 7: The role of the Framework will be to facilitate and
strengthen, not to duplicate
Principle 8: The Framework will be built through user – provider
partnerships that include all stakeholders
Immediate implementation priorities
Capacity building in developing countries
The Taskforce believes that a strategy
for building capacity in developing countries will be essential in successful
implementation of the Framework. This will include a strong Management
Committee for Capacity Building in both governance options proposed for the
Framework. A principal near-term strategy for the implementation of the
Framework should be designing and implementing a range of projects that target
the needs of developing countries. Specifically, the Taskforce proposes the following
capacity building projects, to be implemented as soon as possible:
• Linking climate service users and providers. The Taskforce is
proposing that the Framework include a User Interface Platform to link climate
service providers and users with a view to building the capacity of users to
make better use of climate services, collecting user requirements, assisting in
the monitoring and evaluation of the Framework and promoting a global
understanding of the Framework;
• Building national capacity in developing countries. The Taskforce
has found that about 70 countries do not have the necessary basic capabilities
to provide sustainable access to climate services. It therefore recommends that
a high profile programme of fast-track projects be established to build the
necessary capacity of the countries, in accordance with their needs and
• Strengthening regional climate capabilities. Enhanced regional
coordination and technical capabilities will be important to the functioning of
the Framework. The Taskforce therefore recommends that a fully effective
network of regional centres be established. This will require strengthening
existing centres and creating a number of new centres. The roles and activities
of regional climate centres will vary according to each region’s specific
interests and needs.
Building capacity to implement the User Interface Platform
in the developing world A key to the long term success of the
Framework will be its ability to
interact with its user community to enable it to properly tailor climate
services to meet community needs. The Taskforce urges that new efforts be made
to develop the dialogue between providers and users and to focus on developing
and implementing measures of the Frameworks success in meeting needs, and using
these monitoring results to continuously evaluate and improve the overall
performance of the Framework.
Improving climate observations in data sparse areas
Effective climate services rely on
the availability of adequate, high quality climate data. The Taskforce proposes
that a programme be put in place to address the problem of gaps in the two basic
atmospheric global observation systems, the Global Surface Network and the
Global Upper Air Network.
Building the capacity of the climate research sector in developing
To improve the rate at which
research results flow to services, and to improve the quality and relevance of
climate services, particularly in the developing world the Task force’s proposal
includes a programme of capacity building in the research sector of developing
Approaches to global data policy
The Taskforce believes that
barriers to accessing and using existing data sets are a major shortcoming in
the provision of climate services. To overcome these barriers, the Task force
proposes that existing international deliberative mechanisms, principally
within the World Meteorological Organization
System, be used to reach agreement
on what essential climate data and products are needed to provide effective
climate services and what can be shared in support of the protection of life
and property and the well-being of all nations.
Building a sustainable leadership and management capability
Implementation of the Framework
will require the establishment of a leadership team that has government
ownership and support, as well as support from the United Nations System. This
core of leadership and technical expertise that will drive the implementation
of all aspects of the Framework in collaboration with existing national and
regional capacities should be supported by a small, United Nations-based
Developing a detailed implementation plan
This Report of the Taskforce
provides a strategic level plan for the implementation of the Framework.
After endorsement of this plan we
recommend (Recommendation 3) that the United Nations System-establish, as a
matter of urgency, an ad-hoc technical group to develop a detailed
implementation plan for the Global Framework for Climate Services based upon
the broad strategy outlined in this report, this plan to be endorsed by
governments through an intergovernmental process prior to its implementation.
The detailed implementation plan
should identify high priority projects to advance the Framework in areas where
this would assist in reducing vulnerability to climate change and variability.
In addition to the fast-track, capacity building projects, the implementation
plan should describe a sustainable programme to underpin the coordination
needed to maintain the operational capabilities of the Framework. The
implementation plan should set targets to be achieved over the next ten years,
further elaborate the roles and responsibilities of components of the Framework
that contribute at the global, regional and national levels and of the
secretariat that supports it, and include a risk assessment.
Indicators and timelines for implementing the Framework
The Taskforce proposes the
following indicators and timelines for implementing the Framework:
• By end 2011. Develop a detailed implementation plan for the
Framework that aligns with the decisions of the World Meteorological
Organization Congress and incorporates the elements and principles proposed in
this report. This plan to be considered at the inaugural, intergovernmental
plenary meeting of the Framework’s Board;
• By end 2013. Complete an organization building phase, including
establishment of a secretariat to support the Framework and necessary
management (technical) and exectutive committee structures. Establish
programmes to undertake immediate implementation priorities;
• By end 2017. Facilitate access to improved climate services
globally in four priority sectors (agriculture, disaster risk reduction, health
and water). Establish active technical committees for each component and an
active communications programme.
• Involve at least five United
Nations entities and participate in
at least US$ 150 million of climate-related development projects. Completion of
a mid-term review of the implementation of the Framework;
• By end 2021. Facilitated access to improved climate services
globally across all climate-sensitive sectors. Involve at least eight United
Nations entities and participate in at least US$ 250 million of climate-related
development projects.
Resourcing the capacity building elements of the Framework’s
The Taskforce proposes the
governments commit to supporting a modest secretariat requiring an investment
of around US$ 3 million per annum that will have the role of supporting the leadership
and management structures of the Framework. As regards capacity building the
Taskforce has proposed the implementation of a range of “fast track” projects
aimed at building capacity in the developing world to create and deliver
climate services requiring an investment of the order of US$ 75 million per
annum. The Taskforce strongly recommends (Recommendation 4) that governments and
development assistance agencies give high priority to supporting national
capacity building that will allow developing countries to participate in the
Framework. Further analysis of national needs is required, but in the meantime
we recommend a number of fast track projects as outlined in the Report. To
ensure effective national access to global climate information by the largest
number of countries, we recommend an initial strategy to strengthen rapidly or
create the regional elements of the Framework. These regional elements should
be led and hosted by countries of the region based upon regional agreements and
should be tasked with supporting information flow and assisting national
capacity building at national level.
Governance of the Framework
The Taskforce considered a number
of options for governance of the Framework, taking into account the need to
ensure the central role of governments, other needs based on the Taskforce’s
findings, and common principles, such as efficiency, transparency,
accountability, flexibility, equitability and participation. On the basis of
these considerations, the Taskforce recommends (Recommendation 5) the following
two governance options for the Framework be considered:
• OPTION A – Create a new intergovernmental board within the United
Nations System. An Intergovernmental Board on Climate Services would be
established to provide leadership and direction for the Framework. It would
report to the World Meteorological Organization Congress. The Board would be
open to membership of all countries and would meet in plenary session
periodically, probably annually. It would develop formal mechanisms to engage
the United Nations and other stakeholders in its work. It would elect a chair
and a small executive committee to conduct the affairs of the board between
sessions as well as designating a number of technical management committees to
oversee and contribute to the Framework’s implementation work. These technical
committees would work intergovernmental, and, where possible, would be based on
relevant existing international committees;
• OPTION B – Develop a joint board within the United Nations, hosted
and convened by an existing Agency. A joint board of relevant United Nations
System entities (agencies, organizations, programmes, departments and
independent funds) would be created to provide leadership and direction for the
Framework. The United Nations System joint board would report regularly to the
United Nations Chief Executives Board as well as to governments through the
plenaries of the sponsoring United Nations agencies and programmes. The joint
board would establish an executive committee and five technical management
committees to implement and manage the Framework, of the technical committees
working intergovernmental. Mechanisms to engage non-United Nations stakeholders
in the work of the Board would be developed through both the User Interface
Programme and, up to the level desired by governments, through participation in
national delegations.
The Taskforce recommends that
Option A be adopted and that the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological
Organization convene the first intergovernmental plenary meeting of the Global Framework
for Climate Services by the end of 2011. The World Meteorological Organization
should lead the process and put in place arrangements to ensure full
participation of all interested United Nations agencies and programmes.
The Taskforce considers the main
advantages of Option A are that the Framework would have a clear and
independent realm of responsibility, direct accountability to governments,
potentially strong involvement of national technical experts and the
independence and high profile that would help secure good access to United
Nations system entities and processes. The main advantages of Option B are that
it can be implemented quickly and can immediately engage the mechanisms of the
United Nations System and the financial requirements for governance and
management are likely to be lower.
Introduction: Climate and climate services
Every day individuals, organizations
and governments in highly climate-sensitive sectors like disaster reduction,
agriculture, health and water make decisions aimed at reducing the risks and
taking advantage of the opportunities associated with climate. Society has
always had to deal with climate variability, including extreme weather and
climate events, but climate change presents new and greater challenges. Many
normal activities and decision-making processes assume a continuation of past
climatic conditions, but that assumption is no longer valid. To make better
decisions that involve climate, households, communities, businesses and
governments need to have access to climate information that is suited to their
particular needs as well as practical guidance on how they can use it.
Climate services encompass a range
of activities that deal with generating and providing information based on
past, present and future climate and on its impacts on natural and human
systems. Climate services include the use of simple information like historical
climate data sets as well as more complex products such as predictions of
weather elements on monthly, seasonal or decadal timescales, also making use of
climate projections according to different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
Included as well are information and support that help the user choose the
right product for the decision they need to make and that explain the
uncertainty associated with the information offered while advising on how to
best use it in the decision-making process.
Examples of the uses of climate services are as follows:
• Climate predictions can be used
by farmers to help them decide, for example, which crops to plant or whether to
reduce livestock numbers if a drought is forecast. Farmers making such decisions
are likely to use climate outlooks of rainfall and temperature and take into
account the uncertainty estimates provided with these products;
• Statistical assessments of the future
frequency of extreme weather and climate events can be used by engineers to
help them make decisions, including where to invest in disaster mitigation measures
such as dams, where to locate buildings, which construction methods to use and
how much heating and cooling is needed for critical infrastructure;
• Seasonal climate forecasts and monitoring of
actual temperature and rainfall can be used to provide forecasts of when and
where disease outbreaks are likely to occur. The impacts of predicted outbreaks
can then be minimized by public awareness campaigns, stocking and shipping
medical supplies and vector control programmes such as spraying;
• Climate change projections, which
can indicate precipitation patterns in the 30-to-50-year timeframe, can be used
to guide major investment decisions relating to long-term water management such
as whether and where to build new reservoirs.
Providing effective, needs-based
climate services globally requires: (1) mechanisms that allow for user needs to
inform the development and provision of climate services and for promoting the demand
for climate services where the needs are insufficiently recognized; (2) a
physical means of communicating climate information; (3) accurate observations
and monitoring of climate and relevant non-climatic variables; (4) an
understanding of the climate system and its impacts and how they can be
predicted; and (5) sufficient capacity in all parts of the process of climate
service development, delivery, evaluation and use to ensure that the benefits
of climate knowledge are maximized in all countries.
Box I.1. Some basic climate definitions
Climate: Climate is typically defined as the average weather
over a period of time. The quantities measured are most often surface
variables such as temperature, precipitation and wind. Climate in a wider
sense, on the other hand, is the state of the climate system, including its
statistical description. For the purposes of this report we have used the
term climate to cover time periods of months or longer.
Climate change: Climate change refers to any change in climate over
time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change uses a relatively broad definition
of climate change that is considered to mean an identifiable and statistical
change in the state of the climate that persists for an extended period of
time. This change may result from internal processes within the climate
system or from external processes. These external processes (or forcing)
could be natural, for example volcanoes, or caused by the activities of
people, for example emissions of greenhouse gases or changes in land use.
Other bodies, notably the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change, define climate change slightly differently. The United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change makes a distinction between climate change that
is directly attributable to human activities and climate variability that is
attributable to natural causes. For the purposes of this report, either
definition may be suitable depending on the context.
Climate product: The end result of a process of synthesizing climate
science and data.
Climate service:
Climate information prepared and delivered to meet a user’s needs.
Climate variability: Climate variability refers to variations
in the mean state and other statistics relating to the climate on all
temporal and spatial scales beyond that of individual weather events. Climate
can and does vary quite naturally, regardless of any human influence. Natural
climate variability arises as a result of natural internal processes within
the climate system or because of variations in natural external forcing such
as solar activity.
Extreme weather and climate events: Extreme events refer to
phenomena, such as floods, droughts and storms, that are at the extremes of (or
even outside) the historical distribution.
Weather: The state of the atmosphere at a given time and
place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity
and barometric pressure.
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