Snow is an important component of the cryosphere and an
integral part of the global climate system; snow cover both affects and is
affected by patterns of climate and climate change. Observation and monitoring
of components of the cryosphere are necessary for an understanding of the
cryospheric and terrestrial climate system. Predictions about the future state
of the environment, in particular the functioning of the climate system cannot
be attempted without through analysis of cryospheric processes.

Snow plays a vital role in the energy and water budgets of
drainage basins in the Himalayan regions. Snow and glacier melt constitute 50
to 90% the total river discharge in some major rivers systems during the dry
season. Hydrological modeling in Himalayan region is very difficult owing to
the limited data available from the sparse observation networks and the
enormous spatial variability of runoff formation factors such as snow process.
Snow Glaciers Data:
Developing and validating a new algorithm and having it endorsed
by the scientific communities are a protracted and rigorous process. Climate science
needs long-terms data to predict future trends. Several researchers have
expressed the need for snow data over a longer term than currently available as
a basis for credible research on climate change. The global snow cover products
still have scope for further improvement in terms of accuracy, but they provide
a good first assessment of snow cover status and an indication of where efforts
should be focus. Snow cover is one
factor among a range of environmental data needed to understand the complex
system of climate and other change. Access to data is another important aspect which
needs addressing. In this case it will be important to develop appropriate ways
to share the snow data. Hydrological runoff models for estimation of water
resources should be promoted and the use of snow-cover data should be
encouraged. It is important to ensure that the data should be easily accessible
which can be used to support research on climate change and climate change adaptation,
as well as more immediate local purpose.
Accelerated melting of glaciers due to global warming is worldwide
phenomenon. Glacier retreat increases the risk climate hazards, such as glacier
lake overflows, known as Global Glacial Lake Partnership (GLOF) the management
of which is one of the new challenges posed by climate changes in high
mountains environments.
In conclusions, all the challenges what we have been facing
can be solve through raising collective voice. Ongoing international
negotiations on climate change and sustainable development offer us all a major
opportunity to have a collective bargaining and platform that can ensure that
we are not only heard, but our issues should be taken on international climate
conferences. Therefore, there is an urgent need to make progress in climate
change negotiations and to ensure enhanced and predictable financing,
especially for the developing and vulnerable countries. This calls for urgent
action by all to reduce greenhouse emissions based on the principle of equity
to address the root causes and support the developing countries to adapt
climate change and impact mitigation. This needs new and additional financial
resources, expedited provisions for climate and environment-friendly
technologies and support capacity building. Climate change data management
system should be emphasized.
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